It was beautiful...try to imagine...all my kids at the beach below me {with my honey}...me up on a cliff about 30 feet above them...silently swinging in my hammock, book in one hand... glass of ice water in the other...ocean breeze massaging my pedicured feet.
Hold on, I need a moment to wipe the tears of joyful remembrance from my eyes.
With that said, I have to show you this amazing invention. The magnetic escalator. WOW! Isn't that cool? There is a store in San Jose called Hiper Mas. Pronounced E-per-moss. It's owned by Wal-Mart and the prices for items found in the states are decent here. Except for the make-up which can go for over $35 for Loreal liquid make-up. Crazy! Anyway, you get your cart on the bottom floor and take the MAGNETIC escalator up.