Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Days Are Here Again...

Do you know how easy it is to let your kids play clown for a day? Or for 5 minutes before they get bored and go on to something else. I would recommend getting the face paints (you can stock up on them now with the Halloween season upon "you") We have All Saints Day/Day of the Dead. Here I used my lipstick (that wasn't quite the right color for me) and eyeliner. This is so much fun for kids. I highly suggest it.

WARNING: Don't ever use a long wear lipstick that comes with gloss on one end. Never, never, never use that! Paige decorated Aiden like a vanpire in the back of our car on the way to church last year. So funny except it didn't come off for 4 days. Yep for 4 days he looked like he was on his death bed. Paige is a very good artist. We tried soap and water, make-up remover and even (fingernail polish remover); but I won't tell you that last one.

Do you think CPS reads blogs???


Enough of the clown stuff. My adventures in suburbia went well. Just like my sister-in-law warned things were crazy. I had to shop for kids clothes, school uniforms, groceries, business casual clothes for my sweetheart, a few items for me, books and on top of that I needed to file our taxes for the past 2 years. Yep, I said 2 years. We always get money back so it's not that bad of a situation, but really, who does that? I also got to attend a baby shower (luncheon) that was beautifully perfect.
These are some of my favorite women on Wes' side of the family. Marissa, Jenny, me, Wes' grandma Ruth and his tia (aunt) Lydia. The way my sweetheart's family has welcomed me with open arms since the beginning should be a wikipedia entry under "welcoming an in-law". They are just good people. Love ya and miss ya!!! Sniff, sniff.

So you know, I haven't been lacking in my desire to post, just the time. Since walking in the door here the first night I have been inside a hurricane of reorganization, cleaning, homeschooling, cooking, and looking for a place to move! Yep, that's what I said, MOVE. I have never been more pleased to say that word in my life! I'm not even sure I can say I have a LOVE/HATE relationship with this house. I guess I can be thankful that it kept the pouring rain off of our heads, and believe me I appreciate that, but I"M OUTTA HERE!!! YIPPEEE!!!

The "tico" style homes here are all built without closets. Let that sink in. What would your home be like without any closets. Messy? I've found it difficult to have this small home look tidy, ever, with everything out in the open. Even the bathroom doesn't have a cupboard in sight. Let's just say I'm a wise women to figure out a way to leave my husband home for a week to experience my environment. He had appointments set to see rental homes before I got off the airplane. I love that man!!!

I promise I will do a goodbye post of this house, hello new house before we move. Right now they are digging up my backyard sewer system and fixing it, gross. Wes even caught them with buckets trying to dump the "black" water into our front yard. Yeah. Lovely.

So things are starting to get back in order. The kids have realized the rules I established in this home are back in force now that I'm back. No more popcorn and pizza parties on the "nice" couch!

As far as my week in the "states of luxury", it was divinely wonderful!!!! I had my night with Borders. By the way the Riverside Borders is having a party for kids today!!! I forgot to mention that earlier. Opps. I enjoyed a girls night out, had my Ruby's malt (which was as delish as I remembered it) and spent tons of time with my family. And the taxes, I just mailed them in! :)

Tonight, Women's Conference on my computer. I can't wait, more spiritual enlightenment in English! If you want to watch too you can see it at (if you don't get it on your t.v.)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

When the Cat is away the Mice will...

fall off the skateboard and earn one of these...

Oh How Fast that Week Flew By!!!

I arrived "home" here in gorgeous Costa Rica late last night. With a tough bout of car sickness, I was hoping to sneak in and crash in bed. That however, was not to be the case. As my taxi pulled up my kids had placed themselves as ornamental statues on our fence. How cute is that? Even the youngest of our crew climbed up. I was covered in snuggles and kisses, what more could a mommy desire?

The most impressive homecoming event had to be the state of our home. It was tidy!!!! Not only tidy but reorganized. My fridge, microwave and table were all rearranged into a better configurement for our (ridiculously tiny) small quarters. Ladies, how romantic is that?????

I will post more of my adventures in Cali probably tonight.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I Have "Arrived"

I got to LAX safe and sound late Wednesday. The biggest treat, my "little" sister and her husband picked me up.

So my time here has been spent without much sleep, running around, snuggling my nieces and nephews, hitting clearance racks full of "summer" clothes and enjoying a few of my favorite indulgences. In-and-Out was my first "pleasure" I attended to and I'll have to say (don't hate me) it was good but not great! I can tell that I've become accustomed to different flavors in my short 5 months in Costa Rica. Interesting. :)

I also took a break from my attempts to attack my do to list and spent the evening with my beloved store "Borders". Remember, they have the better hot chocolate compared to Barnes and Noble. Although Barnes and Noble has the better seating situation. Now that was just what I had hoped it would be. I was like a kid in a candy store. I was ready to devour all of the books on the shelves but alas, my checking account forbid it. I also have a 50 pound weight limit on my luggage. So I grabbed a few I've been meaning to read and sat, tapped my foot along with the jazzy music being played and sipped my cocoa. Heaven.

My only "pleasure" left on my list is my Ruby's chocolate malt with extra malt. I love these so much that when I'm pregnant I only allow myself to digest one my entire pregnancy. I worry if I don't curb this craving, I'll be huge. So tomorrow it's off to Ruby's, either before or after I meet with the tax guy. I'll do it after, I'm going to need it then!