“Indian wisdom says our lives are rivers. We are born somewhere small and quiet and we move toward a place we cannot see but only imagine. Along our journey, people and events flow into us, and we are created of everywhere and everyone we have passed. Each event, each person, changes us in some way. "
-1st paragraph from "Tending Roses"
I've used this quote before, however pulling a different meaning. I'd like to re-quote here.
It's not as tacky as re-gifting. Which of course I've never done, even when I received 5 rice steamers as wedding gifts, {which I love rice steamers} and forgot I stuck the cards inside the boxes, then wrapped one up to give to another couple because we were dirt poor young marrieds. Yeah. That was embarrassing.
I love the words "people and events "flow" into us..." Isn't that just pristine? I've been contemplating the people that have flowed into my life experience. All of them adding joy in my life. Yep, some when they flowed in and others when they "flowed" out!!! Lol { I know that wasn't correct grammar, but it's midnight and it works for me}
I have been very lucky in the friend department. I truly have. The best thing about "mis amigas" is the variety in personalities. All of them are important to me but so different. I am often caught commenting that if I could stir us up and then sift off our best qualities we would make the perfect women.
So here is a tribute to my best buddies:
There is Penny.
Here she is with her beautiful daughter who modeled as a paper doll in a previous post. You might recognize her. :)
Penny is one tough {black belt} cookie. She keeps me on my toes by questioning anything she thinks might need to be questioned. And her favorite questions are ones that might make someone squirm, just a little. She has yet to make me uncomfortable, try as she may, I don't think she can do it! And yes, Penny, that is a challenge! She is a wonderfully patient, playful mom and a good example to me in many, many more ways. When times are tough she has taught me to grasp on to spiritual knowledge and I love her for this.
This is Cindy
{We are all in black in white because of reasons relating to vanity, we look better this way!} Cindy does the most creative things with her little ones. She has a apron with pockets that hold fun toys and activities and I will admit here and now, that I covet that apron. She will tell you ever so gently {not! hee, hee} if you aren't doing what you should be doing. She has a clap that she does when all is right in the world and it makes me smile just thinking about it. And her sweetheart and munchkins come before all else in her temporal life. I love it.
Meet MaryAnn
MaryAnn is easy going and fun. She is the great keeper of traditions. Even my husband {who wouldn't notice if I changed out all our furniture and painted the walls bright purple} mentions how great her home looks during the holidays. She has taught me the importance of the handwritten "thank you" card and celebrating a friends birthday on her actual birthday. She held my hand as I strained under the weight of helping my mother pass from this life. She is cool on the outside, but on the inside she is sensitive to the struggles of others and does what she can to relieve them.
My friend Christine
We go way back to our last year of girls camp. That's where I first met Christine. It was after we had found our true loves and started having children that we really start to become good friends. I hope that just being friends with Christine will give me "spiritual bonus points". My plan is to announce at the pearly gate, "Hey, I know Christine, can you let me in??? Please!!!!" {She would get embarrassed to hear me talk about her like that, but it's my blog. Hee, hee.} Christine is a wonderfully supportive wife. Her honey has so much on his plate and she does what she can to support him. She is kind, hard working and never speaks negatively of anyone. She just graduated with her bachelors degree and is quite the intelligent one. She also is an artist and the best family home evening lesson creator. {family home evening being one night a week (usually Monday) we stay home as a family and have a quick spiritual lesson and fun family time} At my house FHE would have a different description {being one night a week, we constrain the kids to the couch by sitting on them, to listen as we try to feed them spiritually and they now announce all the huge homework assignments that have just entered their minds and all of the sudden are of the utmost importance} Sorry, lets get back to Christine.
She is humble and a great leader. I'm thankful to have her as a friend.
I also have Nikki, Tracy, Christina, Sharla, Tonja, Shanie, Louann, Andrea, Kristen and many more buddies that have changed me for the better. I am thankful for friends. It hasn't been as easy here to make them and because of that my appreciation level has soared. Thank you from way over here in Costa Rica for what you "all" mean to me. Oh and now a few more have entered my mind. Boy, am I lucky.
Love ya all.
One of my above mentioned friends got this tip from her mother. When you receive a thank you card or little note from a friend, find a basket and tuck it in there. Collect your notes throughout your life and tuck them in the basket. Then when you are having the "rare" down day, grab your basket {some Dryers ice cream} and sit for awhile. Go through them and I can promise you they are a great "pick me up". It has also helped me to be better to sit and write those important thank you notes.
Another idea:
This would be a great gift don't you think? If you have a friend you know who needs a good pick me up you could write your note of appreciation, attach it to a cute basket {filled with a few yummies, o.k. I've got little ones I can say yummies} and then tell her what the basket is for {filling with thank yous to come}. You could also get a few of her closest friends to write a "card of appreciation" too. That way it will already be filled. Or you could have them mail in within the week. How cool would that be?!?!?!? I amaze myself sometimes.