Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pictures from the States.

It was quite silly that I didn't bring a camera to document my travel to the states. But I knew I wanted to leave as much space as possible to bring things back. I do wish I had brought it though. You would have seen some great pictures of me and my Target "crush". (The store) Oh well, next time!!!Here I am with my sister Anna's oldest, Kay and my brother Robbie's oldest, Ethan. I love being an aunt!!!
This girl is so sweet. She reminds me of her mom, my little sister so much. Anna was aways smiling and happy.
Me and my little "sis" Anna. I'm so proud of her mothering skills.
My "little" brother Dave. We played a rousing game of Phase 10, remember Dave how competitive you were? Hee, hee.
Jenny, Anna and I after game night. I love these two! My youngest two and both of their oldest two are all about the same age. It's very (crazy) fun when we all get together.

Daddy's girls we will always be. Miss you all!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Borders Coupon...


I'm sorry if you hate seeing these coupons, but they're awesome!!! I guess the saying is true, You can Lead a Horse to Water but You can't Make Him Drink!" If you need to buy a book, please "drink" this coupon.

I use them online and then pay the shipping. Augh!!! I hate paying shipping. Borders has 30% off 1 item, of at least $10.00.

The best part is the coupon doesn't expire until October 31st.


So enjoy a little LOVE from me!

Monday, October 6, 2008

It's a New Week..

and school starts again. I wanted to remind you of some of my favorite "learning" websites that my kids enjoy. And that's what it's all about right? That they enjoy them.
Here you can enter your child's spelling words from school and run through games with them. How awesome is that?

This helps you create online charts that can be used for chores or homework. Your child earns points when he/she completes the tasks that you set up for them. I.E. do homework without complaint!!! That was my big one. Then they get to create their cat and enter a virtual cat world.

This is the best "FREE" typing site. All three of my kids use it, even though my oldest breezes through. It helps him keep up with his skill. Very good site.
This is a learning to read site that my 4 year old loves. (And is just starting to read) It's great!!!! Jenny, I've been meaning to email you this one for Ethan.

This one isn't free like the above sites but well worth the $19 per month. It can even be used as a complete home school program. I just use it as refresher courses when my little one needs more help. I've used it for my three oldest. It's pretty funny too.

O.K. that's it for school stuff. I am happy to report that my guys are getting school work done in about 3 hours now. So much better than the first half of last week at a 8 hour school day. I pleaded with them, then screamed, then begged. "pleeeeasssse doooo youuurrrr wooooorrrkkk! Pleeeassse!" Waaaa, waaaa waaa!"

Yeah that's how the first half of last week went. Let's hope it's not a pattern. First half "heck" second half awesome!

Do you have any sites that you love???? Please share.
This is {was} one of my favorte coupon, penny pinching sites. Back when I could use coupons. I love getting a deal!!! Enjoy.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Did You See...

the primary choir sing "We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet"? Wasn't it angelic?

Elder Bednar drove it home with his comments on prayer. So uplifting.

Can't wait to hear what is in store for us today.

Does anyones house look as thrashed as mine?