Friday, May 23, 2008

And The Winner is.....

Drum roll please.....

Congratulations! You will love this vanilla. Email me your address and the package will be off.
Thanks for your comments everyone.


Alison said...

Shawna! I am SOOO excited! What a fun suprise. I can't wait to try CR vanilla. Your description was making my mouth water. =)
I was just telling Kermit about all the fun things that you are letting your kids do to help them "learn". =) I love your creativity and I'm sure your kids are too! I just might have to try out some of your ideas this summer with my little ones. Happy weekend!
My email is alison at rcn dot com.

Kristen said...

Yay for Alison! Lucky girl..hee hee

Shawna, I still can't believe you have been there a month already?!?

You are sure the fun Mom...jumping on the bed and all :)! I love it!

Monica said...

Hey Shawna! It looks like you are having a great time out there! Where exactly are you guys living????I have been showing my Uncle who just moved down here from Costa Rica and we were curious. Email me: