Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day...


Christina said...

happy moms day to you too!!

thinking about you everday! i always would today be like if we were in brazil!?!?

Christine said...

Hope you had a great Mother's Day!

My family got creative this year and I got cute cards and "coupons" from everyone. Jeff's were very nice..."come home and watch the kids so you can go anywhere...", Taylor's goes to great lengths..."for 10 times I'll take care of all the animals, do homework, play with the kids and help you cook." Jacobs was minimal "I will not fight with Ashley and Taylor - cost 1 kiss" (I even have to pay him for it) He tried asking me if I was using his "no fighting" coupon yesterday. I told him I wasn't because it was a given that I didn't want him fighting with anyone on mother's day!

malinda said...

It is so good to hear from you! Summer told me you guys moved to CR and I am sooo sooo jealous. Ster and I went there 2 years ago. He has been back and we both love it there. We have looked into buying property there. Maybe someday. What a neat experience for your family. We have three girls but they are so into animals expecially lizards (thanks to their dad) We know they would just love to go to CR. We are planning on taking them when they get a little older and I am not pregnant. It was good to read through your blogs and hear how you are doing. Again I am so jealous. Maybe if Hillary becomes president we will join you:) Take care! Malinda

Nikki said...

Happy Mommie Day to my dear friend.
Hope you were treated well.

Love ya
