Monday, May 26, 2008

Thought You Might Get...

a kick out of my little guy. He's 24 months here and loves to watch his older brother Troy skateboard. In a few more months he'll be doing kickflips.


Mary ann said...

That is to cute, at the way he is going he could be pro by 12 (don't tell troy i said that) hope you are doing good. I am so sad i missed your call, try again on Tue. or Thur. in the morning i am always home.

Christine said...

Loved the video. He's so cute out there.

Kristen said...

He is pretty good! What a cutie!!
Your little skater boy!!

By the way, I bought that ABC Leap frog video, Kate and Mack love it! thanks for letting me know about it.

Hope your having a great day!

Lara said...

Okay, he's cute--way cute--but I got so nervous watching that!!

loubige said...

That was really cute SHaWna! :-)

He's so patient to figure it out, that's what makes it cool to me.

Alison said...

I can't believe he is 24 months! AMAZING! I couldn't stand on one until I was .... I still can't stand on one! Very cute. =)