Did you know you can download Spanish episodes of Sesame Street @ Itunes for FREE!!! This is so exciting! Go to Itunes, TV shows and then do a search “sesame street”. I imagine that the English version is free also, I’m not sure though. I’m so pleased!
I had to post this youtube video. This guy is amazing, and it correlates to the post because, yep, that’s the Sesame Street theme song. Am I good or what?
hello they have spanish sesame street HERE!! it comes on at like 6 or something here...
wow-sweet ride you got there--
sounds like you need some brown sugar good mailed to you!!
ps: what IS your mailing address??
Hey Shawna, I just have to say how much I just love you. I was catching up on your posts. I really liked the story about Troy and the affect it was in your life. It is so nice to be reminded of things like that. It helps me to be positive through the everyday cruddy stuff that creeps up on us sometimes. I so need to be more positive. Thanks for the story, I almost cried as I rembered how it happened to me when Luke took all those pills a couple of months ago. Total life changing pandandgrawxyz (forgot the word already) shift.
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