Monday, July 14, 2008

The Canopy Tour

When my dad and his wife Rosie came to visit we took the best canopy tour. We, meaning Troy and I tagged along with them. Troy posted earlier a few of his “crazy” shots from zip lining. I thought I’d post a few more.

It has been different with my father married to someone other than my mom. But I have to say that change can be good. I of course miss my mother deeply, we all do. Some days it’s easier not to think of her to keep the hurt away.
But most days are filled with treasured memories. These past few years have been filled with change; my father’s marriage to Rosie, 3 new babies entered the “Krepps” family, us moving here to Costa Rica, job changes, my father traveling to Africa. Change can be good. I realize that it was probably Rosie that made it possible for my dad to come and visit us at such a special time as Paige’s baptism. I have come to have a great appreciation for the woman that has done so much good for my dad. They are a great team.

For those who haven’t met Rosie here she is, no fear!

Troy heading down pretty fast.

Proof I was there. It was $10 per person for the pictures. I only paid for Troy knowing that I would get the pictures of us together. You can close your eyes and imagine me zip lining if you'd like, but that would be weird!

This was our view. Do I need to say more?

Dad having a great time!

The four of us and our unforgettable day.


Eric and Laura said...

Sounds like fun! I'm hoping to do one of those when we're in Mexico. We'll see if I can convince Eric.:)

Tica Macha said...

I wished I'd known you were doing the canopy. Living near them, I get a big discount. Teri