Monday, September 1, 2008

Do Hard Things...

This is my theme for the year. Maybe the following year also. I got this idea from Christy at She started picking a theme word for her year to help her better herself. I think last year was "stretch". I've picked "Do Hard Things". And yes I realize it's 3 words not 1! It's my way of doing things my own way.
So I stole the "term" from a book I'm currently reading entitled "Do Hard Things". It's written by twin teenage boys who have started what they call a "rebellution" against low expectations towards teenagers. It's a little dry but a great book. {I'm a sucker for self-help books thought} I should have put that down on my previous questionaire}
Already this book has helped me with my pre-teen son. I've raised the bar in what I expect from him and in turn have gotten so much more back. Then he feels much more pride because he's accomplished something "hard". Now my respect for him has risen, see the pattern?!?!? Nice.
Yesterday at church he did something hard. He sang a song in sacrament meeting with his dad. They harmonized the last verse and it was great! He sure fought me on it though. Funny thing is it was one of his best Sundays. He smiled all day.
I did something hard too. I spoke in church. Well, I bore my testimony. I wrote out what I wanted to say and my sweetie translated it to Spanish for me. Then I praticed reading it tirelessly! {Well from late Saturday night until about midnight.} That part of me that loves to procrastinate stepped in. Anyway, I spoke {read} Spanish from the pulpit yesterday. I did a hard thing! I can't tell you how many times I've gone to back away from something difficult these past few months and then the words "Do Hard Things" came to mind. These words have given me power to do what I might not have done otherwise. Woooo whoooo!!!

I'm counting down to U.S arrival time. See many of you soon!


Kristen said...

I love your word (s) of the year that you chose. That is a good one and something I should remember.
I would have loved to of heard you bear your testimony. How neat..

Have any of the kids picked up on the language yet? I know it hasn't been that long since you have been there but just wondering.

Lara said...

Wow, Shawna! I hate to sound mushy, but how inspiring are you? It is true that the only way we grow is by doing just what you are talking about here.