Thursday, April 9, 2009

40 years ago, yesterday...

my sweetie entered this world. Can you believe he's 40????

I can't! That means I'm headed 4 short years.

So in honor of my honey's special day, that was yesterday {hey, we were busy} I would like to post my favorite things about him.

1. He has a great since of humor...even when he doesn't know he has a great since of humor. Maybe I just think everything is funny. Hee, hee.

Yeah, I do.

2. He is an honorable man. {this species can be difficult to find nowadays, almost extinct}

3. This one I can't mention...{hee, hee} but I love him for it!!!!!

4. My man is a proud pappa!!!

5. He is very in touch with his "spiritual" side.

Can a woman want for anything more???

Happy birthday Wes! To the next 40 years, together!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Wow,the big 4-0! Happy Birthday Wes!!