Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Little About my Adventures...

So Women's Conference was just what I needed. What a way to start the day off having 13,000 women in a HUGE conference center singing a hymn about our love for the Savior. I always get choked up during the songs.

One of my favorite moments was as President Beck was delivering a nice message...she suddenly choked up...and said:


"We need to stop playing the victim role as women and FIGHT! Fight for our homes, our families, our children and our standards!" (I'm going off memory here)

It was just an inspiring moment for me!

I'll talk more about other talks I loved, Sunday.

Friday night I had the pleasure of having a girls night with some special friends of mine from our short life (1.5 years) in Utah over 10 years ago. What a wonderful night that was for me. It's amazing that even though I hadn't seen 2 of the 3 women in 10 years...we just took off where we left off. Actually I think we took off further than we left off. What jewels these women are to me.

Then I headed to my Uncle Ron's place. There is this white board that has welcomed visitors for years. I was excited to find this note waiting for me. Isn't it just grand when traditions stand strong?

My uncle is the chef of the family. I sure wasn't missing my In-N-Out while at his home. We had Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, salad with dried cranberries and the most interesting soda I have ever had.
Thanks Ron! (wink, wink)
My aunt Sheila drove from Colorado to hang out with us. She is my mother's sister and I just LOVE her!
She taxied me around Saturday to get all my errands done. Whew! We both have this talent of asking someone a question that would completely put them on the spot, but in the nicest way.

So you can imagine how it is when we both get together. Love it!
I didn't find In-N-Out but I did find this. Old School Burgers. I might even say it's better. The bun was larger and softer but the taste, although close, wasn't exactly the same.
BUT...the french fries were 50 times better. Oh yeah baby.

I ate pretty healthy on this trip but I will admit here and now that after devouring this meal for dinner Monday night...I went back for seconds Tuesday at lunch. It was so worth it!!
I had to throw this shot in. Since Wes's plane didn't get in the night before I had to leave...I didn't see him and most importantly (just teasing) I didn't get to grab his nice rolling luggage. Instead...

I made this. Pretty creative. If I really had time I would have taped a skateboard to the bottom. That would have been useful!!!
That little white dot is the moon. Couldn't pass up this shot from my airplane window.
These shoes hit the trashcan yesterday. They have served me well. They have traversed this country with me though dangerous sidewalks, muddy streets, $4.00 movies and crazy taxi rides. They recently came to their demise as two rather cavernous holes broke through the bottoms as I walked miles (and miles, and miles) did I mention miles? on this Utah/Colorado adventure. I had to take a farewell picture.
I was so lucky to head up to Colorado to my amiga Emily's home. Her and her husband Rob were great hosts. Their kids were just AWESOME! Poor Jake...I made him stand outside for a picture before he headed off to school on my last day. All their kids are just amazing.
Do you remember when I posted about my night (BY MYSELF) in my hotel room!
I had to take a picture to memorialize that experience. Look how rested I look.


loubige said...

So glad you had a great time in Utah and Colorado!!
I agree that IN-n-Out's fries are gross...every time I go to Utah I have to get a Cheeseburger/fries and shake from Stan's on 9th East in Provo...delicious!!
You sound like you are doing well, so nice to get recharged spiritually.

Christine said...


What a great adventure! Thanks for sharing!

I'm supposing that you picked up what you needed for your camera! Yah!

Today they are doing the rebroadcast from women's conference so I'm going to be checking out some of the talks though it won't be the same.

I've been finally painting that blank spot in my family room and listening to old women's conference talks in the process. I'm starting to run out of talks to listen to.

It's funny I just had the feeling this week that I as a mom needed to be more proactive with my family and not just let the world control us or our actions. I don't want to look back years from now and have regrets that I didn't fight hard enough when the kids were young to teach them meaningfully. Of course after that resolve I still lose my patience with the kids and experience the "natural man" syndrome.

Heather Anderson said...

Sounds like another wonderful adventure for you! I love that you just take off and do... you are amazing and your life story is so fun to read:)

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

You are so lucky to get to come back and visit....does it make you homesick for the states?

And I'm all about getting my food fix when we go back to places we love. Or places we don't love, but love the food ;)