Monday, May 19, 2008

It's Rainy Season...

(I'm so sorry that this is out of focus, augh!!!)
This is Wes, Aiden and Paige swimming in the rain, about 8 pm.

April is the hottest month of the year here. It's funny how every time we've ventured here in the past it's been in April. I am happy to report that it does cool down. The phrase here is "What seasons? It's hot and wet or hot and dry." I have found that is not true. I've been experiencing "not as hot" and raining and it's been almost delicious.
In the states I love Mondays, especially rainy Mondays. I have a tradition with the kids. If even the tiniest drop of rain falls, they know that hot chocolate and homemade cookies will be waiting for them when they get home. Thank goodness we lived in California and not Washington. I would have chunky kids then. I enjoy it, but hot cocoa and warm cookies are just not appropriate!

Here in CR the average yearly rainfall is between 120-160 inches. It's hard to imagine until you've been through one of the torrential downpours and you can't believe it doesn't get more inches than that. The best part about the rain is that it usually starts about 3-5:00 pm. By morning it's another splendid day.

When the sky has opened up and it's raining here, I go back to my childhood. I remember the forts my brothers and I used to construct. I can also recall sitting on the floor of our fort through a California rainstorm. We were warm and safe from the elements that were inches away from us. It was a prideful, peaceful feeling. {That only makes sense to me, I know!} That is how it feels here for me. Because of the more simply built homes, you are only inches from the rain. They are loud, and fast but we are protected and it is a prideful, peaceful feeling still.


Anonymous said...

I sure love the rain too. I also remember the many cool forts we all made. So many great memories! Its a wonder none of us became house builders, or at least fort builders as a profession! lol.

loubige said...

Swimming in the rain is AWESOME!!! I love it so much! Looks like fun chica!