My dad and his wife Rosie flew in to be here for Paige's baptism. We were all ready to go. We got lucky and found a baptism dress for Paige {the day before}, had the programs printed in "Ingles" and Spanish and had all the towels and white underwear we needed. Sunday we headed out to church {they do baptisms here right after church}. Then as we were sitting in church I had this disappointing feeling. It is appropriate here to baptize in the ocean, I had brought this idea up to Paige and she was interested, however things got hectic and I didn't take it any further. So here I am, sitting in church thinking "Shawna, here you've had the chance to have a child baptized in the oceans of Costa Rica and you've missed it!" Long story, short {something I'm not used to doing} we couldn't baptize her. In case you ever need to know this, they don't have baptismal clothing at the church here in Orotina, Costa Rica. Just a tidbit of info for you. :) When Wes told me the news I was just beaming! I knew what we were going to do.
So Wes baptized his only daughter Paige in the ocean of the country that he served his mission in. It was short, sweet and a very spiritual memory for our family. Paige was a little nervous about the waves but as soon as her dad picked her up, she was fine. When Paige gets asked in primary, "Do you remember your baptism day?" She will just smile because there is no way she will forget this!
Little did we know what the water would do to us in less than 24 hours. Oh the contrasts here.
That is so cool for Paige to be baptised in the ocean. The pictures are awesome. You guys are the best!
Shawna those pictures are beautiful! What a special day! You are right, she will never forget that day, I think that is so neat.
What a neat and special baptism. She will always remember her baptism. I love the pictures too. She is just a BEAUTIFUL girl.
Congrats Paige!!!
You mom's friend from high school
Those pictures are amazing Shawna. So pretty. What an awesome memory for Paige and good that you have pictures to remind her of it. Is that Wes's sister in the pictures?
I was reading your post and didn't see the picture of Wes and Paige until I scrolled down. Breathtaking!!!
It looks like they are ready to walk into heaven together. Beautiful, and how memorial and personal. I was baptized in the Stake Center along with everyone else in the stake who turned 8 that month. How neat that your Dad and Rosie were able to be there too.
That is beautiful. Water is a powerful thing...in many ways!
Congratulations to Miss Paige! What a precious memory and your pictures captured them so well. Yes, she will remember this forever!! :)Ahhh, and looks like no rain for the baptism, at least for a few minutes.;)
Thanks everyone! It was a wonderful day!!!
How amazing. The pictures of Wes and Paige are breathtaking!
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