Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Today Has Been one of Those Days...

The hymn "there is beauty all around, when there's love at home..." does NOT apply here today. Or maybe today is an affirmation that the song is true, for when there isn't love at home, there isn't beauty all around! This little place has been riddled with tantrums, most from the "sick"kids, then a few from me. The bit of cleaning I've been able to manage to do has been trampled by the two youngest as they are determined to stomp on my progress today. Therefore we are void of love and beauty.

And all this after I read a beautiful blog this morning about a family that was able to spend a few moments with their baby before she left to be in God's hands. My early morning was filled with tears of gratitude and appreciation for these little ones that have made things so difficult now. You can read the story here) What an incredible daughter of our Heavenly Father this women is.

So how does that happen? How can I be so quick to forget my blessings? It's noon now, still not to late to repent and rescue my day. The youngest is soundly sleeping thanks to a cough and cold medicine. Aiden will be down soon. As I type he is translating a letter he wrote to me. It about sums things up. He says, "Mom, you aren't the best, BUT YOU ARE THE BEST!" Sometimes I'm not the best but most of the times I am! Here's to a better afternoon.


Cristy said...

Awwww, hey girly! You know I've had plenty of those days myself! Hopefully those days will be few and farbetween from now on. (Okay, always have think positive, heehe) I found my little one pouring Hershey's syrup into a bowl this morning, on my white carpet. Caught her just in time. Whew! Last night she pumped almost a whole bottle of liquid handsoap on the hardwood bathroom floor. Love notes, let's just call them love notes! HUGS! :)(PS take a peek at our updated blog when you get the chance)

loubige said...

Love the commercial. Sometimes I wish I had enough guts to do that at the store or anywhere, I would be way too embarrassed, but man THAT would be great!
(did you watch the next commercial on the youtube line up below..'funniest commercial' with the kid having a tantrum-pretty funny)

Kristen said...

that letter made me cry...wow what an amazing woman! Reading that helped me count my blessings.
We need to be reminded of what's most important every now and then. Thanks for sharing that with us!

Christina said...

im not sure if i can cry any more today! ive had my fair share of "this life isnt fair" for today..maybe i'll check her blog out tomorrow after i've had some sleep!

im trying to be positive here..hmm lets see...well i have 12 JUMBO chocolate chip cookies made from the run from albertsons today! im going to go give everyone ONE then eat the rest while watching bachelorette-thats some positiveness right!?!

Christine said...

Shawna, I went and checked out her website and cried the whole way through the letter. I was amazed at her perspective and faith. I don't know if I would've been so strong and positive even with the gospel perspective that we have. It touched me that she was willing to help her unborn baby experience life to the fullest while she had her even taking a trip to Disneyworld. It shed a new light for me on those who are faced with the decision to carry a terminally ill bably to term or not. What an example.