Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Did I Say Tuesday? I Meant Wednesday

I'm just going to blame it on the good old internet! Oh and this Spanish keyboard that whenever I push on the coma key I get this [. It{s so fun.
Monday was a holiday here in beautiful Costa Rica so we skipped town and headed to San Jose, the capital city. It did bring me fond memories of home as I coughed on a little smog; but only the tinist bit of smog.

We tagged along with Wes sister Rusti, and when Rusti travels you can be sure it's 5 star all the way. We stayed in the Inter Continental Hotel. The bellhops reminded me of the guy in The Sweet Life of Zack and Cody. Don't be shy, admit you know what I'm talking about. It surely wasn't a hotel for a crazy family of 7 like mine but oh did we enjoy it. We all took advantage of the modern convienence called the "tub". Ï think I hold the longest bath record at 1.3 hours. Oh it was good.

So here I am, it's 10 pm, an ant just made it's way up my pant leg and gave me quite a bite, KFC is closing and I've got to go...

ok this is Wes. Im here at work and since the laptop battery died last night I'll see if I can post this baby:)

Thanks sweetheart. See what kind of man I have!
So last night after being kicked out of KFC we hung out under the night sky trying to catch someone's internet when Wes' battery died. {It was quite romantic though.}
It's 1 pm in the afternoon Wednesday, I've put the little ones down for a nap and I'm here at my favorite computer at my favorite internet cafe. What could be better?

Aiden's birthday is here. This is the last picture I have of him as a 3 year old. Boy, where does the time go. We went to the toy store in the San Jose mall and he really was a kid in the candy store. He kept loading his "car" with toys. Girls toys, boy toys, baby toys, it didn't matter. They have been quite starved in this aspect of a child's life. All in all, he got 4 matchbox cars. That was a treat because the generic versions we can get here in Jaco fall apart after an hour.
I also have a love for "Little People" toys. They are adorable, well built and reasonable priced here. (Which is amazing!) He got the pirate ship, very cute!
Just for your information, those cheap no brand name huge toddler building blocks are $45 dollars for a medium pack. Excuse me while I CHOKE!

So I do have more pictures to post, just for some reason they aren't here on my disk! Are you kidding me!?!?!?

But I have some random shots I'll share with you. That way my mile walk here {O.K. I'm exaggerating here, maybe 1/2 a mile} won't be in vain.

There must be something in the water here. {Actually I'm sure there is and we have stopped drinking it!} Dallin lost a tooth Friday and Saturday morning Paige lost one.

Note to myself, Dallin needs a haircut! He really looks like a girl here.

Isn't this a great pic of my youngest one. Do you see how his eyebrows are crinkled in a "Don't you dare take a picture of me" face? I love it. This one is doing a great job of being in his two's.

I had this picture of my daughter in her baptism dress. Doesn't she look like a princess? She is, especially in this house full of testosterone! One of her little friends heard that she was baptized in the ocean and now she wants to be baptized too. Funny thing is, her family isn't religious. How cute is that?

O.K. Well that is going to have to do it for today. Have a great one!


Lara said...

So, were you like a prune after that hour in the tub? I'm sure you didn't care though! What a luxury, huh?

Christine said...

Love the pictures, especially the one of Paige in her baptism dress and the one of Landon in the rear view mirror. My Jacob is having a birthday coming up in a couple of weeks. I can't believe he'll be 10 already. Our kids sure do grow up fast. (Does that mean we're getting old?)