Thursday, December 18, 2008

Last Call for Christmas Cards...

If you'd like to send us a Christmas card we would REALLY love to get it!!!

Wes's mother is coming down for Christmas. If you send it out to her today or tomorrow she'll bring it down to us.

Oh, and THANK YOU for taking the extra effort to get it to us. :)

The Banagas Family
c/o Colleen Foote
32801 Silver Charm Court
Menifee, Ca 92584

So for gifts this year we have decided the kids are getting 3.

One from Santa, we talked to him to confirm this would be o.k.

One store bought and brought in from the states. (Toys here don't last more than an hour or two)

And one handmade.

I have actually had a great time hand making the 3 gifts that are done.

Yes I know Christmas is in less than a week and I have 2 left. (AUGH!!!) :)

So I made a tutu for PAIGE with all the frills. It's is adorable, I hope it can survive what she will put it through. I'm sure it will end up on our dog at least a few times.

Aiden and Landon are receiving super cute Superman capes. What boy doesn't deserve one of these. We've always tied towels, sheet or pillowcases to create them...that is until now. Now they will have professional supercapes.

I think I will keep this tradition. (the hand making of presents...I don't know if the 3 present idea will fly.)


Lara said...

I want you to know that I think you are amazing!

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

No offense, but despite my good intentions, NOBODY got a Christmas card from us this year. I know. The shame. So don't take it personally. As for the gifts, what a brave woman to take that on when there's no access to a Michaels/JoAnn/Hobby Lobby. Our kids usually only get a present from Santa (and then the stocking stuff), a present from Mom & Dad, and then as of late a present from a sibling. But seriously, our kids don't really do the toy thing too well either. One game for the Wii or PS2 and they are happy as clams.

Kristen said...

on no! i forgot to send my card to your MIL...I feel bad.

I LOVE all your homemade gifts, those are the best kind.

I agree with Lara, you are amazing!!

Nicole said...

Hey Shawna! Looks like you guys are having a great time out there. I work for JetBlue & we just announced that we arer going to be flying out there. My hubby & I are already planning our trip...I am glad you have so m any fun links on your blog for there. I would LOVE to see you!

Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!

BTW...I LOVE the 3 gift idea, I just may have to incorporate that.