Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This is just beautiful.

For the friends of mine who don't belong to the same church as I do, this is a talk by one of our apostles. It was directed specifically to women and our desire to "create".

I have many creative friends. This is for you! And to the friends that don't think they are "creative". This is especially for you.


I told you it was a gorgeous piece. I can’t leave without talking about what that talk inspires in me.

I remember a time in my life, B.K. {before kids} when a photographer buddy of mine (Tamera Graybill) and I used to take off every Sunday late afternoon, cameras in hand, and drive. We would find the most gorgeous scenery to capture on “film”. I wasn’t the scenery type back then, I enjoyed photographing little rug rats more. I didn’t see the “challenge” in a subject that did exactly what you wanted it to.
However, it was majestic.

In the calmness of the moments before we pushed our shutter buttons a testimony of gratitude for God’s creations were born and reborn every time.

I do believe we are all born like Him, in the sense we feel joy when we create. We desire to “create” things that didn’t exist before. That can be a smile we’ve created on someone else’s face, a photograph of one of the most beautiful sunrises (like my friend Teri just captured) or a child that just arrived into a waiting family.

There is fulfillment in creating.

Tamera, I wish you were here to head out with me. I’ve decided to start our tradition again.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Jeff saw your recipe on the last post and he want me to make it. I was planning on it anyways it looks good!

Can't wait to see some wonderful photos from your trips into nature.