Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I woke up this morning...

and realized I have 2 more days to finish up last minute packing before my "girlfriends" arrive. I like to complete work under pressure. Two things I love...change and a challenge! Maybe reasons to why Costa Rica worked for me.

It's interesting though...kind of like the end of a pregnancy where you are so tired of being pregnant that you don't care how the baby is going to come out!! That's where I am here...since I got back from my trip to the states...our hot water heater went out. We went 2 weeks without a hot shower or bath.

Now all our water is out. It's been over 24 hours without water. Oh the fun that entails. Of course in between these loses we've had electricity, Internet and phone outages. It's just time. Time to get this baby out however hard it may be! :D

Thought you'd like some pictures of dinner by candlelight thanks to one of our many power outages.


Christine said...

Are your friends staying at your house? How hard is it to clean without water and electricity? (Hee hee). It'll be good to have you back too.

Heather Anderson said...

You are such a trooper... just take cute pics by candlelight when the times get tough! Can't wait to have you back in the states! Wish I could help you pack...