Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Less than 24 hours...

Here it is, the day of our departure. Wes is still at our home getting last minute things done. (breathe breathe) We visited with some wonderful friends for FHE at the park last might. That was such a treat!!!
So here is our situation. We need to show proof that we are leaving the country in 3 months and the bus we are going to use won't sell tickets to us over the phone/internet. Our first experience with the slower life of Costa Rica. We won't be getting on the plane tonight unless we get a hold of his sister and she can work some magic on her end. As of late, I can't reach her. I love this last minute stress.
The kids are exhausted as are we. But we all are in good spirits. Wish us luck!!! I don't think I can wait another week to leave.
Did you know today is Earth day????


Kristen said...

Shawna! I'm so sad I didn't get to officially say good bye! I have been thinking about you guys...I hope all goes well...keep us posted. I'm excited for you, good luck with your new adventure!
Lots of love...Kristen

Christina said...

im hoping the bus "pulled through!"--

Kristen said...

I'm dying to hear from you :)

Hope all is going well, can't wait to hear an update!!