Thursday, December 11, 2008

Cute (freaky) Snowmen..

I saw this over at . Candy corn for noses and candy eyes for...eyes. Put them on small white powdered doughnut and you are the domestic queen!

Wouldn't this be adorable for Christmas morning?


Anne Marie said...

So cute! Thanks for the idea!

Christine said...

I love it! Now just if I would've kept some of those candy corn...

loubige said...

Now THIS is my kind of "cookie exchange"!

Lara said...

Yes. They are a bit freaky. I love cute, new, and original ideas, though. My sister-in-law made some freaky eyballs for Halloween with white powdered donuts and red LifeSavers and some other stuff. Who knew the many uses of powdered donuts?

Jenny said...

So cute and easy! I actually have a bag of candy corn left over from Halloween, but where can I find candy eyes at?

Cristy said...

How fun! My kids would love making and eating those, heehee. Thanks again for sharing yet another awesome tip!! :)Hugs.